Fender’s top-of-the-line tweed Deluxe reissue. 12 watts, handwired, with a 12” Eminence speaker. Beautiful cleans and snarling overdrive when turned up - just ask Neil Young, as he ... $2,599.99
1x12” combo, 20 watts, 2x6L6, 12AX7/12AT7 preamp with 5AR4 rectifier, 2 channels, reverb and tremolo with footswitch, hand-wired AB763 circuit, solid pine cabinet, and Jensen C-12Q speaker. Excellent build ... $2,999.99
Handwired AA764 circuit, 12AX7 + 1 x12AT7 preamp tubes, and 2x6V6 power tubes. A high-quality, mid-powered amp for any live application - Chris Stapleton plays arenas using ... $2,799.99
22 watts from a pair of 6V6s, all-tube preamp, tube rectifier, 1x12" Celestion V-Type loudspeaker, tube-driven spring reverb and tube-driven tremolo, 2 channels, classic "drip-edge" "silverface" cosmetics, pretty faithful to the ... $1,599.99
Tweed, five watts, 8” Weber Special speaker. This is Fenders hand wired reissue of the ubiquitous tweed champ as used by Clapton on “Layla” and George Harrison for slide parts on “... $1,299.00
15 watts, 2xEL84, cool lacquered tweed cabinet with a 10” Jensen P10R speaker. Pure simplicity, one volume and one tone control, good headroom and clean tones, and then ... $649.99
1x12” combo in black tolex, 22 watts from a pair of 6V6s, all-tube preamp, two footswitchable channels - “vintage” and “burn”, terrific tube-driven long-spring reverb, and an ... $1,699.99